Dienstag, 31. Dezember 2013

Chapter 5
 Picture 26
I have chosen for a color combination of red and green. I dyed the most fabrics with Protion and only a few fabrics with Dye-Na-Flow.
The colors I used  are similar to the colors of  the stemps. Perhaps I will use a little bit of black and golden colors seen in the stemps.

First exercise:
  Pictures 27, 28 and 29
The following four examples show different patterns formed by withdrawing threads.

Second exercise:
  Picture 30
Weave threads were pulled sideways to the left and right edges. Caused by this pulling the central dark area was dissolved in horizontal lines.

In  the lower part of this fabric the weavethreads were pulled inwards to the center. The threads make loops.
  Picture 31
In this exercise groups of threads withdrawn from one end and then re- threaded and stitched back into the fabric in different directions.
  Picture 32
Groups of withdrawn threads are re-woven in different directions and ways. After re-waving I did a little bit handstitching with withdrawn threads.

Chapter 6
  Picture 33 (sampler)
Stitchery ideas to decorate the drawn fabric
Different rows of stitching, waving, wrapping, threads drawn together
  Picture 34
A sampler of diagonal stitching on the bars and diagonal stitching on the cross overs. In this sampler I used machine  and hand stitching. The withdrawn threads  are manipulated around the edges.
  Picture 35
Machine zig-zag stitching. The zig-zag stitching is only vertical. Hand stitching is done in both directions. I have used withdrawn threads from other exercises and yarns.
  Picture 36 and 37
The threads are withdrawn in one direction and folded to tucks and  sewed down by zig-zag (machine).
The next exercise is done in both directions.

  Picture 38
In this exercise I pulled nearly all threads out. They are sewed together by machine satin stitches in stepped blocks. So I produced holes.
  Picture 39
In this exercise the threads were snipped in the center and withdrawn from the center outwards.  The start and the end of the diagonal line are done in zig-zag machine stitches and they held down the bundles of withdrawn threads.
  Picture 40
Combine hand and machine stitching
For this exercise I decided  for a jute because the withdrawing of threads makes me very nervous and rises my bloodpressure. This sampler has areas  with withdrawn threads and areas  were threads were pulled together. In both areas I used hand and machine stitching. I have made cords for waving through the bars.
  Picture 41
Withdrawn threads from the center outwards in both directions to make different wide holes. Machine zig-zag over the bars in continous lines. Afterwards I made needle waving by hand over the machine stitched bars. I used different yarns and stripes of sari silk. Around the stitched area the withdrawn bundle threads were sthed down in different ways.

Donnerstag, 14. November 2013

Module 4, chapter 4

Picture 16, 17, 18 and 19:

 Nr. 16: Shows ripped egg cartons. From each color I made a paper pulp. For the first paper I mixed the four colors .

Nr. 17: Paper made from brown shopping bags and white writing paper and envelopes.

Nr. 18: Snipped paper from blue, brown shopping bags. 

Nr. 19: the left paper was made with different pulps. The middle was made from the white envelopes. This paper is very soft. The right paper was made from egg carton.

Picture 20:
The left paper shows letters made of used copy paper embedded in white paper pulp. The middle was made of brown egg cartons and embedded with stemps. The right side was made from paper pulp as shown in picture 18, embedded with snipped threads.

Picture 21:
Paper pulp with embedded plants and leaves.
Beneath letters were embossed.

Picture 22:
The white paper was embossed with turquoise  fancy yarn and after a short time drying  the yarn was removed und I put it on a wet, dark paper.

Picture 23 and 24:
I have made a piece of paper with a hole in the paper, which Shows the shape of the letter "A" in positive and negative manner.

Picture 25:
Left was made of layers of colors.  The middle was made by adding acrylic red paint in increasing concentration of color. The right side was produced by two different colored pulps.

Module 4, chapter 2
Making pattern with lettering, using the computer.
Blocks of repeating patterns. I have choosen again the word "shape" and manipulated this word by using photoshop elements. I wrote this word with the computer, not freehanded.

Picture 12: This picture shows  four different ways of distorsion. The first shows a block with diluted letters. The second block is written in blurred way. The third  block is written in a little dissolved method and the fourth is written in hatching patterns on a black background.

Picture 13: View from top to bottom:
The letters are:
       diagonal deformed
       mosaic- on the right side in block
       builded in blocks- left: the letters drawn out
       waves in block
       single wave
       the two right blocks show:

Picture 14:
The word "shape" is drawn  with polar coordinates.

Chapter 3: grids
This is a collection of my fabrics, which  have different grids .Materials: cotton, plastic, metall mesh,
 scrim, canvas, linen.

Sonntag, 10. November 2013

Module 4, chapter 1:
After a long time I jumped into module 4. The first task is a lettering research and therefor I took  my box with envelopes from received letters und made a collage of these.  I have paid special attention  on diversity.
Picture 1:

Picture 2 is a selection of lebels.

Chapter 2: Lettering design:
Picture 3 shows different designs of lettering.

Picture 4 shows tools for the following exercises.

Picture 5: I choose the simple word "shape" for the next exercises.
On the foto I described what technique I have used.

Picture 6 is also an exercise with different tools.

Picture 7 shows different possibilities for designing lettering- for example masking tape, placed on a relief surface under the paper, oil paint sticks.

Picture 8 shows all exercises on a black background. On  the left upper side the paper was painted with black ink. The word "shape" was written with bleach with three different brush pencils. Beneath I used a black card and I wrote the word with deluded white acrylic paint with my finger. On the upper right side the paper was painted with black ink. After drying I wrote the word with a thick brush pencil with bleach and than I wrote with a thin brush with white paint. At least the excess was dropped down. The last two exercises were done by hot glue. The background was painted with black acryl and black ink. For the rub on I used golden and blue color.

Blocks of  writing:
Picture 9: There are four blocks . The left upper block: The first layer was written with a pencil and gray deluded acrylic paint. Between these words (second layer) I wrote with a black felt pen the word "shape"- 3 rows-. At least the third layer was written with a Pipette with black ink.
In the right upper block I used four different felt pens.
The left under block I wrote zig-zag with a brush pencil. The four interspaces are filled up with a fine liner. At least I printed  with big letters "SHAPE".
The right under block: The word "shape" was written in waves. In the next step I printed by two different stemps the word "shape".

Picture 10: The left upper block shows the word "shape" long drawn- out.
The block aside: A blue zig-zag with the word "shape". The interspaces  are filled with the word "shape" written forwards and backwards.
The left under block: The first layer was done with tooth picks - black ink. The second layer is written with rows of  fine liner. The third layer with black felt pen. The fourth layer was made with golden felt pens- one fine and one thick.
The right block above: I wrote for the first layer rows of the word "shape". I did the same on a sheet of transparent paper. The transparent paper I turned 90 degrees around and glued this on the first layer.

Picture 11: The first block: The first layer was written by white oil sticks. For the second layer the whole paper was painted with black ink. The third layer was done with a golden Edding pen.
The second block: The first layer was written with masking fluid. For the second layer the whole paper was painted with black ink. The masking fluid was removed. Than the block was roughly painted.
The third block: The first layer:The whole paper was painted with black ink. The second layer: The word "shape" was written with bleach. For the third layer I used the hot glue for writing. The last layer consists of treasure gold.
The last block is an collage of left overs.

Picture 12: The word "shape" is done by rub in different directions.

Mittwoch, 6. März 2013

Module 3, chapter 12, research three artists

Zandra Rhodes:
She is a very famous designer. She makes most extravagant garments. and she composes also equipments for theatres. She works together with other artists for film productions.

She loves bright colours. Her latest is a digital study collection project.
 The next picture shows one of this collection. It is a part of a dress (shoulder), very spiraling design.

Artist two is Deirdre Hawken: She is especially an artist for extravagant hats as well for equipment for balletts, operas. She uses very different materials. In her work a strong movement. I have selected a picture of three little spiraling hats. Famous is her lobster hat.

The third artist is Harald Glööckler. He is namedc " the prince of pompös". He is a very extremely fashion designer. He is born in germany. He loves so as the two preview artists extraordinary equipments for fashion jewellery, and opera. All his projects are luxury products. All these three artists represent in my mind extremely positions.

Evaluation module 3:

I am very happy with the result. The combination blue and golden yellow is for this luxury fingerless gloves very wearable.

This pair of gloves can I use for special events.

If I am asked to make it again, I am sure to do it in different way because it depents on my mood.

The cost of materials and recording time.

Authenticity of my work:

Module 3, chapter 10 and 11 picture 33
This chapter I have to make a designing an accessory based on the spiraling design using ideas from the beginning of this module. This is mine designboard of drawings. I have considered what I can do for this accessoir. I have decided for a pair of fingerless gloves. The picture shows 4 different ideas for these gloves. The drawings show different manners of design. There are some little free aereas. These aereas are for spontanous stitchery. I love a little bit space for spontanous working. The main lines are predetermined.
From all these designdrawings I developed the next concept for fingerless gloves. Picture 34

The next pictures show the designboard of materials and stitchvariations. I have used wool loden. The frayed edge which arises in the production is the upperside of the gloves. I love this part of the fabric, so I used them. Picture 35a and 35b
The next picture shows a bonded fabric. The first layer is a golden fabric, this layer was bonded  with  a layer of cunin felt. This created fabric was processed with a hot tool.
(Of course I considered the safety rules in this module by using hot tools, dyes and bleach. If possible I make these works outside, weare gloves and a face mask.) This fabric I will use for an interesting spiraling and a circle shape. I also used different feet for machinestitchery and special bobbin for thick threads. Picture 36 and 37

The following two pictures show the different stage of working on my fingerless gloves. Picture 38 and 39

On picture 39  on the right side  you can see the fabric pinned together to form a tube, ready for sewing and stitching.

Picture 40 shows my lining fabric. It is a black cotton jersey. Picture 40


Picture 41 shows the fingerless gloves with lining.

Picture 42, 43, 44 and 45. These four picture show my pair fingerless gloves in different positions.. These gloves are made for the evening and special events.