Mittwoch, 6. März 2013

Module 3, chapter 10 and 11 picture 33
This chapter I have to make a designing an accessory based on the spiraling design using ideas from the beginning of this module. This is mine designboard of drawings. I have considered what I can do for this accessoir. I have decided for a pair of fingerless gloves. The picture shows 4 different ideas for these gloves. The drawings show different manners of design. There are some little free aereas. These aereas are for spontanous stitchery. I love a little bit space for spontanous working. The main lines are predetermined.
From all these designdrawings I developed the next concept for fingerless gloves. Picture 34

The next pictures show the designboard of materials and stitchvariations. I have used wool loden. The frayed edge which arises in the production is the upperside of the gloves. I love this part of the fabric, so I used them. Picture 35a and 35b
The next picture shows a bonded fabric. The first layer is a golden fabric, this layer was bonded  with  a layer of cunin felt. This created fabric was processed with a hot tool.
(Of course I considered the safety rules in this module by using hot tools, dyes and bleach. If possible I make these works outside, weare gloves and a face mask.) This fabric I will use for an interesting spiraling and a circle shape. I also used different feet for machinestitchery and special bobbin for thick threads. Picture 36 and 37

The following two pictures show the different stage of working on my fingerless gloves. Picture 38 and 39

On picture 39  on the right side  you can see the fabric pinned together to form a tube, ready for sewing and stitching.

Picture 40 shows my lining fabric. It is a black cotton jersey. Picture 40


Picture 41 shows the fingerless gloves with lining.

Picture 42, 43, 44 and 45. These four picture show my pair fingerless gloves in different positions.. These gloves are made for the evening and special events.

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