Module 4, chapter 1:
After a long time I jumped into module 4. The first task is a lettering research and therefor I took my box with envelopes from received letters und made a collage of these. I have paid special attention on diversity.
Picture 1:
Picture 2 is a selection of lebels.
Chapter 2: Lettering design:
Picture 3 shows different designs of lettering.
Picture 4 shows tools for the following exercises.
Picture 5: I choose the simple word "shape" for the next exercises.
On the foto I described what technique I have used.
Picture 6 is also an exercise with different tools.
Picture 7 shows different possibilities for designing lettering- for example masking tape, placed on a relief surface under the paper, oil paint sticks.
Picture 8 shows all exercises on a black background. On the left upper side the paper was painted with black ink. The word "shape" was written with bleach with three different brush pencils. Beneath I used a black card and I wrote the word with deluded white acrylic paint with my finger. On the upper right side the paper was painted with black ink. After drying I wrote the word with a thick brush pencil with bleach and than I wrote with a thin brush with white paint. At least the excess was dropped down. The last two exercises were done by hot glue. The background was painted with black acryl and black ink. For the rub on I used golden and blue color.
Blocks of writing:
Picture 9: There are four blocks . The left upper block: The first layer was written with a pencil and gray deluded acrylic paint. Between these words (second layer) I wrote with a black felt pen the word "shape"- 3 rows-. At least the third layer was written with a Pipette with black ink.
In the right upper block I used four different felt pens.
The left under block I wrote zig-zag with a brush pencil. The four interspaces are filled up with a fine liner. At least I printed with big letters "SHAPE".
The right under block: The word "shape" was written in waves. In the next step I printed by two different stemps the word "shape".
Picture 10: The left upper block shows the word "shape" long drawn- out.
The block aside: A blue zig-zag with the word "shape". The interspaces are filled with the word "shape" written forwards and backwards.
The left under block: The first layer was done with tooth picks - black ink. The second layer is written with rows of fine liner. The third layer with black felt pen. The fourth layer was made with golden felt pens- one fine and one thick.
The right block above: I wrote for the first layer rows of the word "shape". I did the same on a sheet of transparent paper. The transparent paper I turned 90 degrees around and glued this on the first layer.
Picture 11: The first block: The first layer was written by white oil sticks. For the second layer the whole paper was painted with black ink. The third layer was done with a golden Edding pen.
The second block: The first layer was written with masking fluid. For the second layer the whole paper was painted with black ink. The masking fluid was removed. Than the block was roughly painted.
The third block: The first layer:The whole paper was painted with black ink. The second layer: The word "shape" was written with bleach. For the third layer I used the hot glue for writing. The last layer consists of treasure gold.
The last block is an collage of left overs.
Picture 12: The word "shape" is done by rub in different directions.