In october 2008 I began with the online stitch course "liberal stitching" and so I learnt City and Guild and also Maren and Sandra who made this online workshop to. In september 2010 began Sandra and I with Distant Stitch by Sian Martin. Maren has started one year bevor.
Chapter 1
The difference between a cross and a star is that a cross has two lines, which cross its other and so develope four spaces. A star has three or more lines who make points. The shapes do not be symmetrically, they could have different angles.
I found so many shapes of stars and crosses in my surrounding since I began with this course ( presentpapers, ornaments on buildings, knotgarden, protecting caps for carwiels). A cross is in the christian religion a central symbol.
Any words: starline, stardom, starflour, starfish.
Crosspatch, crossroad, crosssection, crosswalk.
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